
València, 2023

Urushi Thread and mirror
Project: Reflejar la casi nada

Fugas is a series of minimal interventions of lines drawn with silk threads. Their trajectories invite us to escape from the exhibition space. They are made with gold and silver silk thread, to reflect the light on it and generate a kinetic movement of light when the spectator moves. Fugas is accompanied by ‘Alba Mobile’, a sundial that is activated for a short period of time and generates a fugitive halo of golden color.


The particles suspended in this building know of our presence, human, although we do not perceive them. Gold, the ancestral symbol of the sun, the nearest star, braided with silk, becomes an agent provocateur....
Text by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo, curator.

The particles suspended in this building know of our presence, human, even if we do not perceive them. Silver, a feminine symbol related to water and the moon, braided with silk becomes an agent provocateur...

... As if it were a material translation of a beam of light, it marks a trajectory, a connection that offers a new exit, an opening to the folding and unfolding of the room.

All in the diagonal created by a thread in tension that reflects the light and orients us to sharpen our perception of what is in continuous mutability.

It depends on how far we move away from the magic day of the solstice. In that interval the light draws the movement of the earth.