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GROUP EXHIBITION / Horizonte y límite. Visiones del Paisaje /
Caixaforum Sevilla / Spain / Sevilla
Curated by Arola Valls Bofill & Nimfa Bisbe Molin.
Landscape is an invention of art that has determined our perception of nature and our capacity for emotion in the face of natural phenomena. The germ of the exhibition is a selection of landscape works from "la Caixa" Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, whose vision of landscape is expanded with loans from artists and collections from different institutions.
Together with Tacita Dean, Patricia Dauder, Miquel Barceló, Joan Fontcuberta, Bleda & Rosa, Cristina Lucas, Perejaume, Andreas Gursky, Rémy Zaugg...
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COMPETITION / Lichtmeer / Second Prize / Competition for the Freedom and Unity Memorial / Together with Richter Musikowski Architekten and Grieger Harzer Dvorak Landschaftsarchitekten / Germany / Leipzig
The jury was convinced by the poetic power, creative precision, lasting validity and attractive aesthetics of the 'Sea of Lights' in memory of October 1989. The circular area, covered with water during the warm seasons and studded with 70,000 reflective discs of different sizes, creates a special place of quiet assembly and contemplation. Ceramic/metal tiles of various sizes are arranged in a terrazzo/mortar bed, creating reflections of natural and artificial light. This flat water bowl is embedded as a memorial with great sensitivity convincingly in the landscape and integrates perfectly into the landscape concept of “Ecotopia” for the Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz.
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SITE-SPECIFIC PROJECT / Ars Ignis / HAAB Weimar / Germany / Weimar
A project for the Duchess Anna Amalia Library on the twentieth anniversary of the fire.
Site-specific project in two parts: The black volcano & The white archive.
With texts by Alberto Manguel, Javier Maderuelo, Sonia Gentili, Pablo Fidalgo, Dilber Macit, Stefan Petermann, María Sánchez, Volha Hapeyeva,
Daniela Danz, Ramona de Jesús and Anna Talens. Readings by Steve Karier
With the collaboration of Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e.V., Kunstfest Weimar, Instituto Cervantes Berlin, Acción Cultural Española, and the Spanish Embassy in Germany.
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DIALOGUE / Future Memory / Brand und Kunst / HAAB Weimar / Germany / Weimar
Am 2. September 2004 brannte die Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek. Gebäude und Sammlungen wurden schwer beschädigt. Zum 20. Jahrestag des Brandes blickt die Bibliothek aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nicht nur zurück, sondern vor allem nach vorn.
With Dr Ulrike Lorenz (President KSW), Dr Anna Talens (artistic intervention ‘Ars Ignis’) and Prof. Dr Christina Weiß (former Minister of State)
Studienzentrum der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
Platz der Demokratie 4
99423 Weimar
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GROUP EXHIBITION / Horizonte y límite. Visiones del Paisaje /
Caixaforum Barcelona / Spain / Barcelona
Curated by Arola Valls Bofill & Nimfa Bisbe Molin.
Landscape is an invention of art that has determined our perception of nature and our capacity for emotion in the face of natural phenomena. The germ of the exhibition is a selection of landscape works from "la Caixa" Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, whose vision of landscape is expanded with loans from artists and collections from different institutions.
Together with Tacita Dean, Patricia Dauder, Miquel Barceló, Joan Fontcuberta, Bleda & Rosa, Cristina Lucas, Perejaume, Andreas Gursky, Rémy Zaugg...
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GROUP EXHIBITION / Aura’s Present Decay / Art Biesenthal 2024 / Wehrmühle Museum / Germany / Biesenthal
Curated by Felipe Schwager and Tjioe Meyer Hecken.
It features over 25 artists, including Ana Viktoria Dzinic, Ana Mendieta, Ángela Jiménez Durán, Anna Talens, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Brad Downey, Dirk Braeckman, Ella Taub, Evelyn Bencicova, Isabel Cordovil, Iris Schieferstein, Josepha Merz, Julian Rosefeldt, Kaan Bulak, Manuela Morales Délano, Marlon de Azambuja, Niklas Bolten and Rubin Henkel, Natacha Donze, Paulo Wirz, Roman Signer, Samson G Balfour Smith, Shira Kela, Sofia Clementina Hosszufalussy, Stephanie Maier, Young Boy Dancing Group, Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė, Wolfgang Tillmans and more.
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GROUP EXHIBITION / 3% / Nadan / Germany / Berlin
Together with Gonzalo Reyes Araos, Leon Emanuel Blanck, Cai Dongdong, Vanessa Enríquez, Grapebattelships, Michal Martychowiec, Shinoh Nam, Viktor Petrov, Domenico Romeo, Antoni Starczewski, Anna Talens, Linhan Yu and Ana Zibelnik.
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GROUP EXHIBITION / Reflejar la casi nada. Partículas y puntos de fuga para la concepción de un espacio / Galería Luis Adelantado / Valencia / Spain / Valencia
Curated by Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo.
Irma Álvarez-Laviada, Itziar Barrio, Manu Blázquez, Nicolás Combarro, José Luis Cremades, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Carlos Ramírez-Pantanella, Alberto Peral, Mireia C. Saladrigues, Elodie Seguin, Leonor Serrano Rivas and Anna Talens.
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16.10.2023 / 11.02.2023
GROUP EXHIBITION / La huella de Roma. 150 años de la Academia de España en Roma / Museo de Bellas de Valencia / Spain / Valencia
Curated by Lola Jiménez-Blanco and Real Academia de España en Roma.
The curatorial structure of the exhibition, which aims to trace a synthetic reading of a century and a half of history, is made up of five major concepts: Lighthouse, Community, Rome, Journey and Workshop, which, with a contemporary outlook, reflect on the present and are based on an exhaustive analysis of the history of an institution that projects itself into the future.
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GROUP EXHIBITION / Dones per l’Art-col.lecció DKV / Sala Atarazanas / Ajuntament de València / Spain / Valencia
Curated by Alicia Ventura.
Together with: Greta Alfaro, Elvira Amor, Paula Anta, Mar Arza, Nora Aurrekoetxea, Ana Barriga, Itziar Barrio, Lucía Bayón, June Crespo, Miren Doiz, Eva Fábregas, Fuentesal Arenillas, Nuria Fuster, María García Ibáñez, Julia Huete, Irene Infantes, IreLenes, Julia Llerena, Ira Lombardía, Mónica Mays, Anna Malagrida, Mireya Masó, Cristina Mejías, Rosell Meseguer, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Carmen Nogueira, Claudia Pagés, Mónica Planes, Gema Polanco, Leonor Serrano Rivas, Anna Talens, Rosa Tharrats, María Tinaut and Cecilia de Val.

GROUP EXHIBITION / Art Collection / CAHH / Spain / Valencia
The Hortensia Herrero Art Centre brings together the private collection of the patron Hortensia Herrero, which includes works by artists such as Andreas Gursky, Anselm Kiefer, Georg Baselitz, Anish Kapoor and Mat Collishaw, among others.
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PANEL / Coloquios de Cultura Visual Contemporánea / Fundación Mainel / Valencia / Valencia / Spain
“Trabajar en arte a escala internacional”
Free admission.
Limited capacity.
Plaza Porta de la Mar, 6, 2º piso, puerta 8ª
7:00 p.m.
Information and registration at:

AWARD / 2nd / Public Art / Julius Kühn-Institut FORUM / Germany / Berlin Dahlem
Together with friedburg & HHVH Landschaftsarchitektur and FORMATION A.
Non-open, single-phase competition for the disciplines of landscape architecture (in charge), architecture and art with a preliminary application procedure

13.08 / 19.11.2023
GROUP EXHIBITION / Roma - Cerezales: Indexar el paisaje / Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia / Spain / León
Curated by Suset Sánchez, Real Academia de España en Roma and Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia
Exhibition text

12.08 / 24.09.2023
GROUP EXHIBITION / Let life be beautiful like summer flowers / Art Biesenthal 2023 / Wehrmühle Museum / Germany / Biesenthal
Curated by Dan Chen (Museum of Modern Art in Shanghai, NADAN Gallery)
Together with Andreas Blank, Leon Emanuel Blanck, Lucas Foletto Celinski, Amélie Esterhazy, Bethan Huws, Roey Victorta Heifetz, Zvi Hecker, Vera Kox, Michal Martychowiec, Maju, Shinoh Nam, Manuel Rossner, Antoni Starczewski, Anna Talens, Claudia Virgina Vitara, Linhan Yu.

GROUP EXHIBITION / Spolia al centro del Tempietto / Halfhouse / Spain / Barcelona
By Halfhouse and Lumbung Press. This exhibition is part of the project Vivir varios tiempos a la vez. La memoria compartida de la Academia -150th anniversary of the Academy.

08.06 / 21.07.2023
GROUP EXHIBITION / Weaving Memories / Nadan / Germany / Berlin
Weaving Memories is an art exhibition that showcases the works of four artists: Gonzalo Reyes Araos(CL), Vanessa Enriquez(MX), Grapebattleships(CHN), and Anna Talens(ES). Address: Meraner Str. 7, 10825 Berlin
Open: Tue. – Sat.13:00-18:00

CATALOGUE / Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit. Site-specific projects / UMH / Spain / Elche
Title: ex nihilo nihil fit
Size: 21 x 28cm closed
Pages: 142 + covers
Copies: 200 u
Binding: Hardcover sewn with vegetable thread
ISBN: 978-84-09-42898-4

PANEL / PalaisPopulaire / Germany / Berlin
The exhibition "ESCRIBIR TODOS SUS NOMBRES" presents works by Spanish women artists from 1960 to the present day, whose work features a very specific combination of poetry, linguistics, music, and architecture.
Deutsche Bank AG
Art & Culture
Unter den Linden 5, 10117 Berlin

GROUP EXHIBITION / Art and Nature / MARSANO VINTAGE BERLIN / curated by Julia Rosenbaum / Berlin / Germany
Art & Nature
Nature in Contemporary Art
Opening: 13. Oktober 2022, 18-20 h
Exhibition: 14.10.2022 – 14.01.2022
Venue: Blumen Marsano, Charlottenstraße 75, 10117 Berlin

“Ex materia. Found Object and Inhabited Space”
Wed 14 September, 8 p.m.
A tandem that speaks of the union between the ordinary and the extraordinary; the tangible material and the intangible poetic; memory, ruin, and the aesthetics of abandonment. By Anna Talens, conceptual artist, Ph.D. in Fine Arts.
Palacio Villena.
C. Cadenas de San Gregorio, 1, 47011 Valladolid
Free admission. Limited seating.

How does art speak today? This evening, we will present the first Bauhaus Fellows of the years 2021 and 2022 and their projects.
22 July
Bauhaus Museum
Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1, 99423 Weimar

The sculpture "Palafit", created for the new Caixaforum in Valencia, is presented to the public today. The gilded Stake House, with a triangular cross-section, is meant to evoke and sacralize the way of life of the peasants of l'Albufera.
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 1A. 46013 València

Until 12 June 2022
Produced by: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana
Organized by: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana and Ayuntamiento de Alzira
In collaboration with: Capitalitat Cultural Valenciana
Carrer Sant Roc, 16, 46600 Alzira

BOOK LAUNCH / Roma Akademia / Processi 146+147 / Librería La Fábrica / Madrid / Spain
Publisher: LA FABRICA
Year of edition:2022
Language: English
Collection: Author’s Books

BAUHAUS FELLOWSHIP / "Ars Ignis, die Poesie der Zerstörung" / Klassik Stiftung Weimar / Germany
Three-month stay to begin the research on the project “Ars Ignnis. The poetics of destruction”, in relation to the Library of Anna Amalia in Weimar. I will be living at Pogwisch-Haus in “Park an der Ilm”.

SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT / Winter voller Zärtlichkeit / Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft. Berlin / Germany
Site-specific installation for the pre-Christmas reception of the German Parliamentary Society on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its foundation.
The garland decorating the Christmas tree is embroidered with the text by Juan Ramón Jiménez from Chapter CXVI "Christmas". "Platero y yo" (1914).
Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft
Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 2, 10117 Berlin

SOLO EXHIBITION / GENIUS LOCI / Universidad Miguel Hernández / Elche / Alicante / Spain
The Sala Universitas of the Miguel Hernández University hosts the exhibition “Genius Loci” by the artist Anna Talens. The exhibition, organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Culture and curated by Alba Braza, brings together some of the most representative works of the artist's career.
Avinguda de la Universitat d'Elx, s/n, 03202 Elche

GROUP EXHIBITION / ROMA AKADEMIA / Processi 146 + 147/ Azkuna Zentroa / Bilbao / Spain
Roma Akademia brings together the works developed by 45 artists during their residency at the Spanish Academy in Rome (in the periods 2018-2019 and 2019-2020) through the annual grant of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.
Azkuna Zentroa
Arriquíbar Plaza, 4, 48010 Bilbo, Bizkaia

GROUP EXHIBITION AND CATALOGUE / “Bio-Lecturas. Reflexiones del entorno natural y rural contemporáneo” / Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló (EACC) / Curated by Irene Gras / Spain
“Bio-Lectures. Reflexions de l'entorn natural i rural contemporani” is born from the need to echo the contemporary reflections that have been generated around the rural world, to awaken a common social conscience.
Carrer de Prim, s/n, 12003 Castelló de la Plana, Castelló

DESIGN EXHIBITION / Valencia Pavilion. The Future is Design / Madrid / Spain
Valencia has recently been named World Capital of Design 2022 During the Madrid Design Festival, Valencia will be present through an exhibition designed by MUT Design and organized by Estudio Savage, based on the success stories of companies and professionals who have made designed a way of understanding their design culture.
Sala de Capillas
Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa
Plaza de Colón, 4
28001, Madrid

INTERVIEW / Afán de plan / Autodefinides #123/ Online
Patricia Gómez and Mª Jesús González have chosen the artist, researcher and teacher Anna Talens.

AWARD / Fundación Hortensia Herrero / Galería Luis Adelantado / Apertura Valencia / Spain
The Acquisition Prize with which the Hortensia Herrero Foundation participates each year has been for María Tinaut (Rosa Santos Gallery) and Anna Talens (Luis Adelantado Gallery).

GROUP EXHIBITION + AWARD Best Exhibition / Territorio y refugio / Galería Luis Adelantado / Apertura Valencia / Spain
With Rosana Antolí, Lucía C. Pino, José Luis Cremades, Nuria Fuster, David Lernes, Marta Negre, M. Reme Silvestre and Nelo Vinuesa.

09.2020 - 06.2021
WORKSHOP / CCCC / Resistències artistiques: Procesos artísticos en entornos educativos / Valencia / Spain

PRESS / Best of Spain / AD Magazine / Online and Paper

26.02 - 01.03.2020
SPECIFIC PROJECT / "Crear sin prisa" Cervezas Alhambra / Stand VIP / ARCO Madrid 2020 / Spain

SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT / Tempelhof Train station / Berlin / Germany
Artistic exhibition and accompanying program on the subject of disused Deutsche Bahn objects and their conversion in Berlin. Curated by Site Specific Ideas and supported by Berlin Kunstfonds.

GROUP EXHIBITION / Real Academia de España / Roma / Italy
The Real Academia de España has been active for 146 years in Rome, and 23 resident artists and researchers have been guests here this year, called upon to create unique projects on Italy, and in particular on the Eternal City: from classical to contemporary Rome, in every vision, corner, facet, as a cue and reason for creative inspiration.

WORKSHOP / Spanisch und Kunst im Bode-Museum / Bode Museum / Berlin / Germany
Learning Spanish with works of art from the Bode Museum. The Instituto Cervantes would like to introduce an interested audience to the cultural richness of Berlin in Spanish lessons. The workshop series at the Bode Museum offers an opportunity to learn and use Spanish and at the same time get to know a part of the Spanish cultural heritage.

PANEL / Crits 08 / Castro / Roma / Italy
A CRIT is a meeting where artists present their work, "offering it" to a collective criticism. The artist briefly introduces the work/project, and then the public may intervene, offering their point of view on the work, making comments or questions, and triggering a dialogue with the artist.

GROUP EXHIBITION / Mirades irreverents: feminismes, sororitat i testimoniatges / Museu el Molí d'Arròs / Almenara / Spain
In this first cycle of exhibitions, and on the occasion of the celebration of Women's Day, six works by Valencian artists are presented with different formal and theoretical approaches that do not prevent, on the contrary, their work from displaying and integrating a feminist approach.

ARCO 2019 / Booth AECID / Madrid / Spain
The Royal Academy of Spain in Rome will be present at the 38th edition of ARCOmadrid 2019 through the AECID/MAEC stand and a discussion table. On an institutional level, the Academy is presented as a space open to the public that directly promotes contemporary creation.

ART FELLOWSHIP / Academia de España en Roma / Italy
"NUMEN” is a sculptural-objective project, which takes as its starting point Roman mythology, the rituals, and the symbolism attributed to the various deities.

02.10 - 09.10.2018
INSTALLATION / 4 Berlin-based artists, in Rome / Una Vetrina / Via del Consolato 12 / Roma / Italy
With Gregor Hildebrandt, Caroline Kryzecki, Anja Schwörer and Anna Talens artworks.
A site-specific project designed for Una Vetrina.
Curated by Valentina Galossi.

BOOK PRESENTATION / Farhenheit 451, Campo de' fiori / Roma / Italy
Life of artists in Berlin is the first art guide of its kind accompanied by over 75 photographic images and a unique selection of 25 artists' haunts that are visualized on maps. The work of 25 artists in Berlin together with their lifestyles will lead you through the streets of Berlin’s contemporary art scene, hand-in-hand with its 25 protagonists.

INSTALLATION / "Stilleben" / Tête / Berlin Art Week / Berlin / Germany
With the collaboration of the Spanish Embassy in Berlin and Marsano Blumen.
At Tete
Schönhauser Allee 161A
10435 Berlin

GROUP EXHIBITION / "Soñando una posibilidad. Colección Fundación Vila Casas – Colección DKV" / Espais Volart / Barcelona / Spain
The exhibition is organized as a dialogue between the collections of both collections Fundación Vila Casas Collection and DKV Collection and includes works by the following artists from the DKV Collection.

Curated by Ricard Silvestre
Organised by: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana and Ajuntament d'Alacant.
In collaboration with: Centre de Documentació d'Art Valencià Contemporani Romà de la Calle. Valencian Institute of Conservation, Restoration and Research.

ART GUIDE / 'Lab life of artists in Berlin' / Curated and written by Valentina Galossi / Designed by Arc Mondial / BERLIN GALLERY WEEKEND / Berlin / Germany
Life of artists in Berlin is the first art guide of its kind accompanied by over 75 photographic images and a unique selection of 25 artists' haunts that are visualized on maps. The work of 25 artists in Berlin together with their lifestyles will lead you through the streets of Berlin’s contemporary art scene, hand-in-hand with its 25 protagonists.
12 h / Galerie Jochen Hempel

ART FAIR / Drawingroom / Círculo de Bellas Artes / Madrid / Spain
The seventh edition of Drawing Room Madrid, the fair dedicated to drawing and works on paper founded in 2016, celebrates its seventh edition, coinciding with the capital's Art Week in a new location: the central Palacio de las Alhajas.

PROFILE / masdearte Art Platform / Spain
Anna is one of our first signings this year because we like the delicacy with which she combines traditional working procedures and materials with resources that we inevitably associate with contemporaneity, such as accumulation and repetition, and because she does so in pieces with a poetic meaning that also stand out for their minimalist aesthetic.

DESIGN COLLABORATION / Fine Brand / Berlin / Germany
"Fine" is now supporting the arts by commissioning Berlin artists a postcard edition for FINE. The first artwork representing a beautiful leaf shape glamorous postcard is by Anna Talens. Looking forward to more artist editions to come in 2018!!!

"The Diagonal Horizon" and "Repairing the Golden Horizon" are now part of the Generalitat Valenciana Art Collection.

"Fragmentos para la eternidad. Poéticas en torno a la ruina" / Fundación Chirivella Soriano / Valencia / Spain
With Lida Abdul, David Bestué, Bleda y Rosa, Carmen Calvo, Óscar Carrasco, Antonio Fernández Alvira, Patricia Gómez y Mª Jesús González, Mª José Planells y Anna Talens

"Nach einem glücklichen, goldenen Ziel - Hacia un fin feliz y dorado" / pazYcomedias Gallery / Valencia / Spain
The exhibition is part of the event Open València 2017 will be held from Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 September.

Valencia Capital Animal / Centre El Carmen / Valencia / Spain
The event València Capital Animal brings together 148 artists and activists and a total of 873 works of art at the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània. It also includes multiple activities such as a meeting of thought, conferences, screenings, educational workshops, a vegan meeting, and much more.

ESTAMPA / Galeria pazYcomedias / Madrid / Spain
The Estampa Contemporary Art Fair closed its 25th edition with a larger public than in previous years, a reactivation of the art market with the presence of leading national and international collectors and increasingly interesting proposals from galleries and artists.